On the first day of this unit,we created our blogs and did our first post.Our first post was how we know about frogs and our first impression about them.We have to create a blog to get the information we need to dissect the frogs.I was surprised that we have to do this and i never did this in my old school. We found information about frogs that we didn't learn such as bio-indicators means is an organism or biological response that reveals the presence of the pollutants by the accurate of typical symptoms.
I never wanted to do the dissecting thing because its nasty and i wounder why we have to do this to learn the body parts in our body.But i understand that we have to do this dissecting thing because its the easy way to learn the body parts in our body. What we did in this lesson is that we learn about frogs and the inside the body that organism. I learn how to tell a frog that its a boy or girl by looking at their thumbs. I also learned that they structures that humans do not have, like fat bodies.
This picture shows the open body of the backbone."peaceful". I choose this picture because it shows how the back bone of a frog looks like.This picture shows a work sheet that we worked on.I choose this picture because it shows how hard we worked for this dissection.
This picture shows peaceful's tongue.I choose this picture because its nasty and this was our first assignment.
This picture shows the frogs stomach and the rest of the organs.I choose this picture because its similar to our organs.
This picture shows the eyes and the top of the frog.I choose this picture because it shows how the skins loom like and the eyes.