Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This Week in Science (Daphnia and Introduced Species)

     What we did this week in science is that we went to the biotic bus down stairs of our school. Then we went inside to see whats inside the bus and it was like a laboratory of computers,bored,and many stuffs that they need in a experiment. We tested a small animal with drugs that is called a Daphnia and we were counted on the heart beats in 30 seconds.Then we were learning about hippo which is that what is the five words stand for and we figured it out. This week went so far so good but it will get better on the next few weeks.

     What we learn about this week in science is that we learned that the Daphnia can't take the drugs but either way it will come back to life and its heart is still beeping. Us humans can't take the drugs because its bad for us in our body's. The Daphnia is different for us because we don't have the same organisms as we do but some we have the same organisms. I learned a lot this week in science and this helps me understand a lot for next year to do better.

This picture shows Daphnia with eggs. I choose this picture because its shows how the daphnia lay eggs and this is what we learned in science.

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