Monday, May 9, 2011

This Week in Science (Fruit Flies Part 2)

     What we did last week in science is that we are creating a chart of how many females and males there going to be in our habitat. We got our spiders to put in our habitat. Last week went well on our hard work to solve the big problem and we use math to solve our problem. My group didn't get our fruit flies yet because we are still working on our chart and how many females and males there going to be on our habitat. I think this is a good idea of doing our chart in fruit flies because i never did this last year and i am learning a lot.

      What we learn in science last week is that we are learning about spiders and fruit flies in our habitat. I learned that there can be more fruit flies depending on how many they lay in 3 weeks. I learned alot in science because this lesson and other lessons are going to help me do better next year. Thanks to all the teachers that made me learn alot in my school and i respect on doing well in my education.

     If i had two females and one male, it will make sense of males doing what they mostly do with the females.

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